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CyberLab’s penetration testing team of CREST, CHECK, and Cyber Scheme accredited engineers and Wayne Price, Commercial Director, delivered a live hack demonstration in front of ERSOU officers.

Over 30 attendees, 包括为区内个人和机构提供指引和建议的网络保护主任,以及调查网络罪行的网络追查主任, 参加这次活动,看看恶意代理如何在不到5分钟的时间内闯入一个组织的网络.

The CyberLab Penetration Testing Engineer, Alexandru Blanaru, 展示了攻击者如何利用多个攻击向量来渗透网络, escalate access, and breach valuable data. 韦恩·普莱斯和亚历克斯·布拉纳鲁一起介绍了组织可以采用的最佳网络安全实践,以保护他们的数据.

Created in 2010, ersos在组成东部地区贝德福德郡的七个警察部队中运作, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk, and Suffolk.

它由一个地区有组织犯罪组(ROCU)和一个反恐警察组组成, 分别负责管理区内严重有组织犯罪和恐怖主义的威胁.

Working closely with local forces, external stakeholders and partners such as the NCA, 该部队负责处理和打击有组织犯罪,例如毒品和枪支进口, cyber attacks, large-scale fraud, and much more.

John Greenwood, Cyber Protect Co-ordinator at ERSOU, comments:

“It is always great to collaborate with industry to ensure that, through shared learning, 我们始终站在保护该地区免受网络威胁的最前沿. CyberLab的意见有助我们的人员和调查人员提高他们的技能,以应付各种复杂的攻击方法, and how they could be used by criminals. 这又使进一步讨论预防措施成为可能, both technical and behavioural, to better inform our advice to the public.”

Wayne Price, Commercial Director at CyberLab, adds:

他说:“我很荣幸获邀在东区特别行动组面前表演。, 提供攻击模拟,并讨论我们的工程师团队在现场工作中发现的最新趋势. ersu的网络团队在一个令人难以置信的复杂和不断发展的领域和数字狂野西部——暗网——做着惊人的工作.”

Penetration Testing is a way to identify vulnerabilities before attackers do, 评估公司如何有效地应对安全威胁, assess compliance with security policies, and improve the level of security awareness among staff.

Using industry-standard methodologies, 15 of the UK’s top Penetration Test experts, our team of CREST, CHECK, 网络计划(Cyber Scheme)批准的工程师进行道德攻击模拟,以发现基础设施中令人担忧的领域, policies, and procedures.

CyberLab团队提供攻击模拟和教育会议,作为客户和公众参与的一部分, as well as at events and industry conferences.

Take the first step to improving your cyber security posture, 看看你和你的组织应该关注的10个关键领域, backed by NCSC guidance. 与CyberLab专家预约免费的30分钟指导姿势评估.

About CyberLab


Your one-stop cyber security advisor, the CyberLab team is equipped with the right technology, knowledge, and expertise to help businesses of all sizes, including large public sector organisations. 

By leveraging world-class technology, decades of experience, and their extensive vendor partnerships, 网络实验室已经帮助英国成千上万的组织获得安全保护. 

Our unique Detect, Protect, 支持方式使我们成为审查和加强您的网络安全防御的完美合作伙伴.

To contact the CyberLab Team, email

About Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU)


Working closely with local forces, external stakeholders and partners such as the NCA, 该部队负责处理和打击有组织犯罪,例如毒品和枪支进口, cyber attacks, large-scale fraud, and much more.


To contact the ERSOU press office, 电子邮件:ersocorporate Communications:

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Cyber Security Account Executive

CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. Your one-stop cyber security advisor, the CyberLab team is equipped with the right technology, knowledge, and expertise to help businesses of all sizes, including large public sector organisations.By leveraging world-class technology, decades of experience, and our vendor partnerships, we have helped to secure thousands of organisations across the UK. Our unique Detect, Protect, 支持方式使我们成为审查和加强您的网络安全防御的完美合作伙伴.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, government departments, and household names.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.” - Andrew Chaplin, IT infrastructure, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, 我毫不犹豫地再次邀请他们协助我们解决安全问题. 简单地说,如果它们不能始终如一地提供价值,我就不会使用它们.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值." - Simon Hobdell, Technical Team Leader, Buckinghamshire Council  CyberLab, 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, Armadillo Sec和Cyberlab consulting自2017年收购Foursys以来, 国际象棋已经踏上了成为网络安全强国的征程. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家十大正规博彩网站评级了该公司. In 2023, Chess acquired Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.In May 2023, Chess Cyber Security became independent from Chess ICT, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, Armadillo Sec and Cyberlab Consulting into one entity, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.

Cyber Security Account Director

CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. Your one-stop cyber security advisor, the CyberLab team is equipped with the right technology, knowledge, and expertise to help businesses of all sizes, including large public sector organisations.By leveraging world-class technology, decades of experience, and our vendor partnerships, we have helped to secure thousands of organisations across the UK. Our unique Detect, Protect, 支持方式使我们成为审查和加强您的网络安全防御的完美合作伙伴.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, government departments, and household names.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.” - Andrew Chaplin, IT infrastructure, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, 我毫不犹豫地再次邀请他们协助我们解决安全问题. 简单地说,如果它们不能始终如一地提供价值,我就不会使用它们.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值." - Simon Hobdell, Technical Team Leader, Buckinghamshire Council  CyberLab, 一家专业的网络安全公司,合并了国际象棋网络安全公司, Armadillo Sec和Cyberlab consulting自2017年收购Foursys以来, 国际象棋已经踏上了成为网络安全强国的征程. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家十大正规博彩网站评级了该公司. In 2023, Chess acquired Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.In May 2023, Chess Cyber Security became independent from Chess ICT, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, Armadillo Sec and Cyberlab Consulting into one entity, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.


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